The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is stated below in full, the key themes can be summarized as follows:

The Services must be used for lawful purposes only.
  • Customers shall not invade another's privacy.
  • Customers shall not transmit; copyright material without consent of the copyright owner; material legally judged to be threatening or obscene; third party material protected by trade secret.
  • Customers that participate in the mass distribution of unsolicited e-mail / newsgroup messages, will be dealt with immediately.
  • The Customer may not circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network, or account.
  • The Customer agrees to not, through its own operations, cause disturbances, outages or other problems which may affect UCLG network or network based equipment, or which may adversely affect UCLG ability to provide services.
  • UCLG reserves the right to, at its sole determination and without notice, remove any material or data and to block the use of the network for one or more users when their use or purpose does not meet the AUP.

A Customer shall also be responsible for the services use of any subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, suppliers, and otherwise clients that directly or indirectly utilize UCLG services provided to the Customer.

The Customer shall not:
  • use the Services to invade another person's privacy; appropriate another's personality; unlawfully promote or incite hatred; unlawfully use, possess, post, transmit or disseminate obscene, profane, hate or pornographic material;
  • post, transmit, distribute or disseminate content which is unlawful, threatening, harassing, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any municipal, provincial, federal or international law, order or regulation;
  • use the Services to access any computer systems, software, data or any confidential, copyright protected or patent protected material of any other person without the knowledge and consent of such person, make unauthorized attempts to gain access to any account or computer resource not belonging to the Customer (i.e. engage in "spoofing") or otherwise gain unauthorized access to, alter or destroy any information of another person by any means or device;
  • use the Services to upload, post, publish, deface, modify, transmit, reproduce, or distribute in any way, information, software or other material which is confidential, protected by copyright or other intellectual, property or proprietary right, or related derivative works, without obtaining permission of the copyright owner or right holder;
  • disrupt the Supplier's network, or the nodes or services thereof, or, directly or indirectly, use the Services to restrict, inhibit or otherwise interfere with the ability of any other person to use or enjoy the use of the products or services of the Supplier or the Internet, including, without limitation, knowingly posting or transmitting any information or software which contains a virus, lock, key, bomb, worm, cancelbot, Trojan horse or other harmful, debilitating or disruptive feature or engage in unauthorized linking or framing;
  • send unsolicited e-mail (i.e. engage in "spamming"), send large quantities of unwanted or unsolicited e-mail to individual e-mail accounts (i.e. engage in "mail bombing"), make inappropriate postings to news groups, send false commercial messages or any engage in any other abuse of e-mail or news group servers;
  • obtain or attempt to obtain products or services from the Supplier or anyone else by any means or device with intent to avoid payment therefore;
  • unless permitted by the Agreement, make, directly or indirectly, any of the products or services received from the Supplier available to any third party. The Customer shall not permit any third party to gain access to the termination equipment of either the Supplier or the Customer for the purpose of obtaining access to the Supplier's network for the purpose of obtaining any of the products or services of the Supplier, whether directly or indirectly;
  • engage in any activities that deny or disrupt service to any customer or end-user of the Supplier;
  • engage in any activity that the Supplier may hereafter advise is unacceptable use of the Services.

If the Customer is at any time in breach of the requirements of this paragraph, UCLG may immediately and without notice suspend the supply of any or all Services to the Customer.

UCLG reserves the right to remove any and all materials that, in its sole opinion, infringe these restrictions and it may immediately terminate this service for any breach thereof without further obligation to the Customer. Any such termination shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to UCLG at law or in equity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, UCLG shall have no obligation to monitor the compliance of any material made available by the Customer.

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